House approves creation of Northern Bohol Special Economic Zone

By Helen CastaƱo | 06:53 PM December 05, 2023

The House of Representatives on Tuesday has approved on third and final reading the creation of the Northern Bohol Special Economic Zone.

Rep. Vanessa Cadorna-Aumentado authored House Bill No. 9505.

The special economic zone is composed of Ubay, Buenavista, Talibon, and Getafe.

In the explanatory note of the bill, Aumentado pointed out that “the Northern Bohol Ecozone shall be developed into and operated as a decentralized, self-reliant and self-sustaining industrial, commercial, trading, agro-industrial, tourism, banking, financial and investment center with suitable residential areas.”

The Northern Bohol Ecozone shall be provided with transportation,
telecommunications and other facilities needed to attract legitimate and productive investments, and generate linkage industries and employment opportunities for the people of the Province of Bohol.

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